1. R. Chandrasekaran, “A special case of the complementarity pivot problem,”,Opsearch 7 (1970) 263–268.
2. E. Cinlar,Introduction to stochastic processes (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1975).
3. R.W. Cottle, “Complementarity and variational problems,”,Symposia Mathematica 19 (1976) 177–208.
4. R.W. Cottle, “Numerical methods for complementarity problems in engineering and applied science”, Technical Report SOL 77-24, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, October 1977.
5. R.W. Cottle and G.B. Dantzig, “Complementarity pivot theory of mathematical programming”,Linear Algebra and Its Applications 1 (1968), 103–125.