1. R. Bayer, Automorphism groups and quotients of strongly connected automata and monadic algebras. Report 204, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, May 1966.
2. R. Bayer, On the endomorphisms and congruences of automata. Mathematical Note 497, Math Res. Lab., Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories, Jan. 1967.
3. A. A. Buhštab,Number Theory (Russian), Izd. “Prosveščenie”, Moscow, 1966.
4. P. Deussen, Some results on the set of congruence relations in a finite, strongly connected automaton,Computing (Arch. Elecktron. Rechnen)2 (1967), 353–367.
5. G. Feichtinger, Some results on the relations between automata and their automorphism groups,Computing (Arch. Elektron. Rechnen)1 (1966), 327–340.