1. J. N. Watson, Theory of Bessel Functions, Part 1 [Russian translation], IL, Moscow, 1949.
2. V. Z. Vlasov, Selected Works, Vol. 1 [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1962.
3. A. N. Guz, ?On the solution of problems for a shallow spherical shell in the case of multiply connected regions,? DAN SSSR, vol. 158, no. 6, 1964.
4. A. N. Guz and K. I. Shnerenko, ?Investigation of infinite systems of equations for finite multiply connected regions in shells? Transactions of the Sixth All-Union Conference on Theory of Shells and Plates (Baku, 1966), [in Russian], Izd. Nauka, Moscow, 1966.
5. H. Kraus, ?Flexure of a circular plate with a ring of openings,? Transactions of ASME, Series E, Applied Mechanics, vol. 29, no. 3, 1962.