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2. Beard T, Macher JT, Vickers C (2016) This time is different (?): telecommunications unbundling and lessons for railroad regulation. Rev Ind Org 49(2):289–310
3. Blair RD, Whitman J (2017) The NCAA cartel, monopsonistic restrictions, and antitrust policy. Antitrust Bull 62(1):3–14
4. Bosman K (2015) Game over for the real bullies in sport. Is it fair for an International Sports Federation to impose a life-ban sanction on athletes in order to accomplish its aims and administer the sport: can the ISU objectively justify this infinite sanction? Master’s thesis, Tilburg University. https://www.kenniscentrumsport.nl/publicatie/?game-over-for-the-real-bullies-in-sport&kb_id=16934&kb_q=
5. Brocard JF, Anglade M, Bastien J, Mondou J (2019) Impacts, externalités et bénéfices du modèle d’organisation du sport en Europe à l’aune de sa professionnalisation. Limoges: Centre de droit et d’économie du sport. Rapport final, décembre 2019, 268 pp. On file with author but not released at this writing (February 2020). Various power point presentations available online. https://slideplayer.fr/slide/17744153/