1. Lesser, M. P. and Vu, P., 2001, Processing of Back-Illuminated 4096x4096 Fairchild CCDs at the University of Arizona, Proc. SPIE 4306, p.196
2. Lesser, M. P., 1996, Back Illuminated CCD Processing at Steward Observatory, Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging, M. B. Denton, R. E. Fields, and Q. S. Hanley, eds., Royal Society of Chemistry, pg.62.
3. Lesser, M. P. and Iyer, V., 1998, Enhancing Back Illuminated Performance of Astronomical CCDs, Proc. SPIE 3355, p. 23.
4. Lesser, Michael and Bredthauer, Richard, 2000, Development of a Back Illuminated 4096x4096 15-micron Pixel Scientific CCD, Further Developments in Scientific Optical Engineering, Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific Imaging, Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 111