VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Reference4 articles.
1. Vgl. hierzu v.a. Keating/Bleiman: Labour, S. 1-20. Daneben u.a. Jones/Keating: British Labour Party, S. 177-201
2. James Mitchell: The Evolution of Devolution: Labour’s Home Rule Strategy in Opposition, in: Government and Opposition, 33. Jhrg. (1998), Heft 4, S. 479–496, bes. 479-481.
3. Vgl. u.a. Martin Burch/ Ian Holliday: The Conservative Party and Constitutional Reform: the Case of Devolution, in: Parliamentary Affairs, 45. Jhrg. (1992), Heft 3, S. 386–398, bes. S. 389-392.
4. John Smith: Interview. Portrait of a Devolutionist, in: The Bulletin of Scottish Politics, 1. Jhrg. (1981), Nr. 2, S. 44–54, Zitat S. 50.