1. A. E. Slade and H. O. McMahon, A cryotron catalog memory system. Proc. of the Eastern Joint Comp. Conf. 1956, 115–120.
2. B. Parhami, Associative Memories and Processors: An overview and Selected Bibliography. Proc. of the IEEE, Vol. 61, June 1973, 722–730.
3. H. S. Stone, A logic-in-memory computer. IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. C-19, Jan. 1970, 73–78.
4. H. Glock and K. Pfeiffer, Assoziative Speicher. Seminar Halbleiterspeicher, Internat. Elektronik-Arbeitskreis e.V., München, März 1972.
5. L. C. Higbie, Associative Processors: A Panacea or a Specific? Computer Design, July 1976, 75–82.