1. Aggarwal, R., The Strategic Challenge of the Evolving Global Economy, Business Horizons, 30, 4, July/August 1987, pp. 38–43.
2. Aggarwal, R., Technology Transfer and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective on Current Developments, in Tamir, Agmon/ Von Glinow, Mary Ann (eds.), Technology Transfer in International Business, New York: Oxford University Press 1991, pp. 56–76.
3. Aggarwal, R., Welcoming the Future: A Guide for the Intrepid Traveller, Vital Speeches, 62, 2, November 1, 1995, pp. 62–64.
4. Aggarwal, R., The Shape of Post-Bubble Japanese Business, International Executive, 38, 1, January 1996, pp. 9–31.
5. Aggarwal, R., The Role of Financial System Reform in Restoring Growth in Asia, Emerging Markets Quarterly, Spring 1999.