1. Arnold, C.C. & Frandsen, K.D. (1984). Conceptions of Rhetoric and Communication. In C.C. Arnold and K.D. Frandsen (Eds.), Handbook of Rhetorical and Communication Theory. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., pp 3–50
2. Armstrong, R. (1982). What is Public Affairs? In J.S. Nagelschmidt (Ed), The Public Affairs Handbook. Washington, D.C., Fraser, p 6
3. Bitzer, L.F. (1971). More Reflections on the Wingspread Conference. In L. Bitzer and E. Black (Eds.), The Prospect of Rhetoric. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, Inc., pp 200–207
4. Bryant, D.D. (1953). Rhetoric: Its Function and Its Scope. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 39, pp 401–424
5. Burke, K. (1969a). A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley, University of California Press, ( Original work published in 1945 ).