1. L. Alessandrini & M. Andreatta, Closed transverse (p,p)-forms on compact complex manifolds, Compositio Math. 61 (1987) 181–200. Erratum ibidem 63 (1987) 143.
2. L. Alessandrini & G. Bassanelli, Compact p-Kähler manifolds, to appear on Geometriae Dedicata.
3. L. Alessandrini & G. Bassanelli, A balanced proper modification of P
3, to appear.
4. L. Alessandrini & G. Bassanelli, Positive ∂∂̄-closed currents and non Kähler geometry, to appear.
5. A. Borel & A. Haefliger, La classe d’homologie fondamentale d’un espace analytique, Bull. Soc. Math. France 89 (1961) 461–513.