1. Cranz, F.E. A Bibliography of Aristotle Editions, 1501–1600, Baden-Baden 1971; ed. Ch.B. Schmitt 2 1984.
2. Erickson, K.V. Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Five Centuries of Philological Research, Metuchen, N.J., 1975.
3. Herrick, M.T. “The Early History of Aristotle’s Rhetoric in England”, PN 5 (1926), 242–257.
4. Hultzén, L.S. Aristotle’s “Rhetoric” in England to 1600, Ph.D. diss., Cornell University 1932.
5. Lohr, C.H. “Renaissance Latin Aristotle Commentaries: Authors A-B”, SRen 21 (1974). 228–289.