1. Auld, Will: “A C Programmer’s Introduction to C++”, UNIX Magazin ( German ), October, 1988, p74–75.
2. Bar-David, Tsvi: “Teaching C++”, Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop, (ed.) Keith Gorlen, Santa Fe, NM, November 9–10, 1987, p232–237.
3. Bause, Falko; Tölle, Wolfgang: „Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++“, Vieweg, 1989.
4. Berman, C.; Gur, R.: “NAPS - A C++ Project Case Study”, USENIX Proceedings of the 1988 C++ Conference. Denver, CO, October 17–21, 1988, p137–152.
5. Berry, John: “The Waite Group’s C++ Programming”, Howard W. Sams Company, 1988.