1. Ackerknecht, E. H. 1932 “Beiträge zur Geschichte der Medizinalreform von 1848,” Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin 25: 61–109, 113–83. Relation between politics and medicine.
2. Ashby, Eric 1958 Technology and the Academies. An Essay on Universities and the Scientific Revolution. London: Macmillan, 1958; New York: St. Martin’s, 1963. Interactions of the British universities with humanism and German science.
3. Barzun, J. 1941 Darwin, Marx, Wagner. Boston: Little, Brown.
4. Barzun, J. 1943 Romanticism and the Modern Ego. Boston: Little, Brown. Benn, A. W.
5. Barzun, J. 1906 The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century. London: Longmans, Green. See esp. Chaps IX and IXV. Effect of David Friedrich Strauß’ Life of Jesus in accelerating the transition to realism in England; survey of realist philosophy.