1. Parsons, Talcott, The Structur of Social Action, New York: Free Press 1937.
2. Parsons, Talcott, The Social System. New York: Free Press 1951.
3. Parsons, Talcott, “An Outline of the Social System” in: Talcott Parsons, Edward A. Shils, Kaspar D. Naegele und Jesse R. Pitts, Hg., Theories of Society, New York: Free Press 1961
4. Parsons, Talcott, und Bales, Robert F., “The Dimensions of Action-Space” in: Working Papers in the Theory of Action. New York: Free Press 1953
5. Parsons, Talcott, und Shils, Eward A., Hg., Toward a General Theory of Action, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1951.