1. Wood, Retreat from Class,47; vgl. auch Norman Geras, „Post-Marxism?“, New Left Review 163 (1987), 40–82, 43.
2. Michael Rustin, „Absolute Voluntarism: Critique of a Post-Marxist Concept of Hegemony“, New German Critique 43 (Winter 1988), 146–173, 167. Auch Dallmayr und Barrett sehen Laclau/Mouffe als Initiatoren eines Paradigmenwechsels von modernen zu postmodemen Emanzipationstheorien; vgl. Fred Dallmayr, „Hegemony and Democracy: A Review of Laclau and Mouffe”, Philosophy and Social Criticism 13, 3 (1987), 283–296, 284; Barrett, The Politics of Truth,61.
3. Stanley Aronowitz, „Theory and Socialist Strategy“, Social Text 16 (Winter 1986/87), 1–16
4. Dies betont insbesondere Peter Osborne, "Radicalism Without Limit? Discourse, Democracy and the Politics of Identity", in: Peter Osborne, Socialism and the Limits of Liberalism (London/New York 1991), 201-225, 201f.
5. vgl. auch Allan Hunter, "Post-Marxism and the New Social Movements", Theory and Society 17, 6 (1988), 885-900, 886