1. G. Rattray Taylor, The Biological Time Bomb ( New York: New American Library, 1968 ), S. 13.
2. Arnold L. Demain, „The Marriage of Genetics and Industrial Microbiology — After a Long Engagement, A Bright Future“, in Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, herausgegeben von Z. Vanek, Z. Hokalek und J. Cudlin (Prag: Academia, 1973 ), S. 19.
3. Elmer Gaden, „Biochemical Engineering: Where Has it Been and Where is it Going?“ Biotechnology Letters 2 (1980): 336, „During the last decade, biochemical engineering has been much less productive. An important reason for this has been the reduced pace of development of biotechnology itself.“
4. Max Kennedy, „The Evolution of the World,Biotechnology‘“, Trends in Biotechnology 9 (1991): 218–20.
5. Sharon McAuliffe und Katheleen McAuliffe, Life for Sale (New York: Coward, McCann amp; Geoghegan, 1981 ).