1. Iwand 1985:55.
2. Almond 1956:391–409, hier:391. Sein Verständnis eines politischen Systems formuliert er folgendermaßen: “When we speak of the political system we include all the interactions which affect the use or threat of use of legitimate physical coercion” Vgl. Almond/Powell 1966:18.
3. Orientation definiert Almond in Anlehnung an die Differenzierung von Parsons und Shils (1951): "Orientation refers to the internalized aspects of objects and relationships. It includes (1) 'cognitive orientation', that is, knowledge of and belief about the political system, its roles and the incumbents of these roles, its inputs, and its outputs
4. (2) 'affective orientation', or feelings about the political system, its roles, personnel, and performance, and (3) 'evaluation-al orientation', the judgements and opinions about political objects that typically involve the combination of value standards and criteria with information and feelings." Zit. in Iwand 1985:59, Fußnote 1.
5. Vgl. dazu Iwand 1985:59.