1. Frederickson, P.O. and O.A. McBryan: Parallel superconvergent multigrid. Techn. Report 7/87, Comell University, 1987
2. Hackbusch, W. A new approach to robust multi-grid methods. Proceedings, ICIAM Paris, June 1987 (to be published by SIAM). Also in Bericht 8708, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, July 1987
3. Hackbusch, W. Multi-Grid Methods and Applications. Springer Heidelberg, 1985
4. Hackbusch, W. and U. Trottenberg (eds.): Multi-Grid Methods, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Mathe matics 960. Springer Berlin-Heidelberg, 1982
5. Stuben, K. and U. Trottenberg: Multi-grid methods: fundamental algorithms, model problem analysis and applications. In [4] 1–176