1. Barger, W. R. and J. M. Harvey. 1960. Temperatures in rail shipments of California chipping potatoes. Potato Chip Inst. International Proc. Prod. & Tech. Div. Meeting, 1960: 25–28.
2. Findlen, H. and J. C. Hansen. 1958. Transportation of late crop potatoes for chipping. Nat. Potato Chip Inst. Proc. Prod. & Tech. Div. Meeting, 1958: 3–6.
3. Heinze, P. E. and W. V. Audia. 1960. Chipping quality of early-crop potatoes as affected by short periods of exposure to low temperatures. Potato Chip Inst. International Proc. Prod. & Tech. Div. Meeting, 1960: 24–25.
4. Smith, Ora. 1959. “Effect of transit and storage condition on potatoes,” Potato Processing, Chap. 7: 155–187, Avi Publishing Co., Westport, Conn.
5. Weaver, E. M. 1963. Latest developments in bulk rail and truck potato shipments. Potato Chip Inst. International Proc. Prod. & Tech. Div. Meeting, 1963: 7.