1. Toy, A., Atteridge, G.D., and Sinizer, D.I.; “Development and Evaluation of the Diffusion Bonding Process”, AFML-TR-66-350, Nov. 1966.
2. Davis, L.W.; “Aluminum-Boron Composites”, 14th Refractory Composites Meeting, AFML-TR-62-129, p. 201, Aug. 1968.
3. Kreider, K.G., and Leverant, G.R.; “Boron Fiber Metal Matrix Composites by Plasma Spraying”, AFML-TR-66-219, July 1966.
4. Cunningham, A.L., and Alexander, J.A.; “The Fabrication Evaluation and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composites”, Advances in Structural Composites, Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineers, Western Periodicals Co., N. Hollywood, Calif., Vol. 12, paper AC-15. Oct. 1967.
5. Wolff, E.G., and Hill, R.J.; “Research on Boron Filament/Metal Matrix Composite Materials”, AFML-TR-67-140, June 1967.