1. GeorgeWolohojan, IreneRubin and CharlesLevine,The Politics of Retrenchment: How Local Governments Manage Fiscal Stress (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1981).
2. MarkWeinberg, “Budget Retrenchment in Small Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Wooster and Athens, Ohio,”Public Budgeting and Finance 4 (1984), 46–57.
3. This is particularly true considering the changes made with regard to federal revenue sharing in the 1980s.
4. For instance, the city of Petersburg terminated bus services to Colonial Heights in 1978.
5. Advisory Commission On Intergovernmental Relations,The States and the Distressed Communities: 1983 Update (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1985).