1. J.C. Ammons, C.B. Lofgren and L.F. McGinnis, A large-scale work station loading problem, in: Stecke, K.E. and R. Suri (eds.) (1984) 249–255.
2. C. Abraham, B. Dietrich, S. Graves, W. Maxwell and C. Yano, A research agenda for models to plan and schedule manufacturing systems, Report RC-11329, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, 1985.
3. E. Balas and N. Christofides, A restricted Lagrangian approach to the traveling salesman problem, Mathematical Programming 21 (1981) 19–46.
4. E. Berrada and K.E. Stecke. A branch and bound approach for machine loading in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, working paper 329-b, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, See also: Management Science 32 (1986) 1316–1334.
5. C.S. Carpaneto, S. Martello and P. Toth, Linear assignment problems, School of Combinatorial Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, 1985.