1. A. G. Metcalfe, Introduction and Review, in “Composite Materials”, Vol. 1, “Interfaces in Metal Matrix Composites” (Academic, New York, 1974) pp. 1–30.
2. S. Fishman, “Interfaces in Composites — Research Needs”, Paper presented at the 1985 ASM Metals Congress, Toronto, Canada, 14 to 17 October 1985.
3. I. J. Ebert andP. R. Wright, Mechanical Aspects of the Interface, in “Composite Materials”, Vol. 1, “Interfaces in Metal Matrix Composites” (Academic, New York, 1974) pp. 31–64.
4. J. A. Snide, “Compatibility of Vapor Deposited B, SiC, and TiB2 Filaments with Several Titanium Matrices”, Report AFML-TR-67-345, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Columbus, Ohio, 1968.
5. V. S. Postnikov, V. I. Lavrent'ev andM. Kh. Shorshorov,Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov 17 (5) (1983) 96.