The recent deposition of laminated sediments in highly eutrophic Lake Kierskie, western Poland: 1 year pilot study of limnological monitoring and sediment traps


Apolinarska KarinaORCID,Pleskot KrzysztofORCID,Pełechata AleksandraORCID,Migdałek Michał,Siepak MarcinORCID,Pełechaty MariuszORCID


AbstractAccurate lake sediment-derived palaeoenvironmental reconstructions require in-depth knowledge on sediment record formation processes. In order to understand formation of laminated sediments in the eutrophic Lake Kierskie (western Poland) we conducted a year-round (November 2015–October 2016), monthly sediment trap study along with physico-chemical water properties, water transparency, hardness, alkalinity, nutrients and solute content, trophic state indices, and the phytoplankton assemblage monitoring. Sedimentation in Lake Kierskie primarily resulted from the activity of photosynthetic organisms. The maxima of biogenic silica accumulation were synchronous with the bloom of centric diatoms observed in March and April. These were followed by the most intensive precipitation of CaCO3 noted between mid-April and mid-June, that corroborated with the domination of Stephanodiscus hantzschii and small flagellate forms acting as nucleation sites for crystal formation. At the same time shift from the diatom-dominated assemblages to the communities composed of chlorophytes, cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates, the groups with cellulose external covering, resulted in decreased proportion between SiO2 and organic matter. CaCO3 precipitation continued in the summer months, however its amount decreased simultaneously with a drop in S. hantzschii biomass. The significant overall flux of biogenically mediated materials from epilimnion was promoted by eutrophic towards hypertrophic conditions in Lake Kierskie revealed by the trophic state indices. Mixing of the water column in autumn triggered resuspension and redeposition of the previously deposited sediments resulting in the second, after the early spring, maximum sediment flux. Minima of sediment accumulation were observed during the winter water stratification when the smallest particles sedimented from suspension. The sediment flux to the lake bottom recorded by us in a 1-year, monthly sediment trap study matches a sequence of pale, whitish lamina deposited during spring and summer, followed by dark, grayish or black lamina deposited in the autumn and winter, observed in the macroscopic investigation of the short (0.5 m) core from Lake Kierskie. Preservation of distinct laminations in the dimictic Lake Kierskie is supported by anoxic hypolimnion developed under the high supply of organic matter from epilimnion of this highly eutrophic lake.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Earth-Surface Processes,Aquatic Science







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