1. Ustav Republike Hrvatske [Constitution of the Republic of Croatia], Narodne novine [Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia] 41/2000 (consolidated text) and 55/2001 (amended text).
2. Art. 49(1) and (2) of the Croatian Constitution.
3. Zakon o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja [Law on the Protection of Market Competition], Narodne novine 48/95, 52/97 and 89/98.
4. See the Second Annual Report on the Stabilisation and Association Process for South East Europe, COM (2003) 139 final, Working Paper on Croatia, SEC (2003) 341, p. 25.
5. Zakon o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja [Law on the Protection of Market Competition], Narodne novine 122/2003 of 30 July 2003.