1. M. Billaud, Some Backtracking Graphs Algorithms expressed by Graph Rewriting Systems with Priorities, Rapport Interne no 8989, LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux I.
2. M. Billaud, Un interpréteur pour les Systèmes de Réécriture de Graphes avec Priorités, Rapport Interne no 9040, LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux I.
3. M. Billaud, P. Lafon, Y. Métivier and E. Sopena, Graph Rewriting Systems with Priorities: Definitions and Applications, Rapport Interne no 8909, LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux I.
4. M. Billaud, P. Lafon, Y. Métivier and E. Sopena, Graph Rewriting Systems with Priorities, in Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 15th Workshop on Graphs'89, LNCS no 411, pp. 94–106.
5. B. Courcelle, Some applications of logic of universal algebra, and of category theory to the theory of graph transformations, Bulletin of E.A.T.C.S. no 36 (1988), pp. 161–218.