1. Arisumi, T. &D. J. Higgins, — 1961. Effect of Dutch elm disease on seedling elms. Phystopathology 51: 847–850.
2. Banfield, W. M., — 1964. Dutch elm disease recurrence and recovery in American elm. Research manuscript.
3. Buisman, Christine J., — 1932a. Ceratostomella ulmi, de geslachtelijke vorm van Graphium ulmi Schwarz. Tijdschr. PlZiekt. 38: 1–5. (Phytopath. Transl 5: 1–8. Photocopy in English translation available from F. W. Holmes, Shade Tree Laboratories, University of Massachusetts, Amherrt, Mass. 01003, at current cost.
4. Buisman, Christine J. — 1932b. Over het voorkomen van Ceratostomella ulmi (Schwarz) Buisman in de natuur. Tijdschr. PlZiekt. 38: 203–204. (Phytopath. Transl. 7: 1–3. Photocopy in English translation available from F. W. Holmes, Shade Tree Laboratories, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003, at current cost).
5. Buisman, Christine J., — 1935. Sensibilité de diverses espèces et variétés d'orme à Ceratostomella ulmi. Rev. Path. vég. 22: 200–208., (Phytopath. Transl. 1: 1–10. Photocopy in English translation available from F. W. Holmes, Shade Tree Laboratories, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003, at current cost).