1. W. Isard: “Regional Science, the Concept of Region, and Regional Structure”, The Regional Science Association,Papers and Proceedings, Vol. II, 1956; “The Scope and Nature of Regional Science”, The Regional Science Association,Papers and Proceedings, Vol. VI, 1960.
2. M. E. Garnsey: “The Dimensions of Regional Science” The Regional Science Association,Papers and Proceedings, Vol. II, 1956.
3. L. Rodwin: “Regional Science: Quo Vadis?” The Regional Science Association,Papers and Proceedings, Vol. V, 1959.
4. R. R. Smith: “Potential Contributions of Regional Science to the Field of Geography”, The Regional Science Association,Papers and Proceedings, Vol. III, 1957.
5. W. Isard et al.,Methods of Regional Analysis; An Introduction to Regional Science, John Wiley, New York, 1960.