1. P. K. FEYERABEND, How to be a Good Empiricist. A Plea for Tolerance in Epistemalogical Matters, in: P. N. NIDDITCH (Ed.),The Philosophy of Science, University Press, Ely House, London, Oxford 1968, pp. 12–40.
2. For an example of this point of view, see D. de SOLLA PRICE, The Science/Technology Relationship, the Craft of Experimental Science, and Policy for the Improvement of High Technology Innovation, Final Report for the Division for Policy Research Analysis, National Science Foundation, March 1982.
3. This point of view is quite rampant in the community of the sociologists of science. See for example R. K. MERTON,The Sociology of Science, The Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Press, Chicago, 1972, p. 286.
4. The main proponent of this view has been D. de SOLLA PRICE. See for example D. de SOLLA PRICEJasis 27 (1976) 292.
5. For a fairly recent bibliography, see J. VLACHY,Scientometrics 1 (1976) 109.