1. A. S. Boksenbom and R. Hood, “General algebraic method applied to control analysis of complex engine types,” National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Techinical Report NCA-TR-980, Washington D.C., 1950.
2. K. V. Waller, “Impressions of chemical process control education and research in the USA,” Chemical Engineering Education, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 30, 1981.
3. H. Tsien, Engineering Cybernetics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1954.
4. M. D. Mesarović, The Control of Multivariable Systems, no. 9, The MIT Press, 1960.
5. J. A. Sonquist and J. N. Morgan, A Detection of Interaction Effects: A Report on a Computer Program, Survey Research Centre Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan, 1964.