1. Smith, E. E. ?Measuring Rate of Heat, Smoke, and Toxic Gas Release,?Fire Technology Vol.8, No. 3 (August 1972), p.237.
2. Smith, E. E., Heibel, J. T. ?Evaluating Performance of Cellular Plastics in Fire Systems,? Final Report, PRC Project RP-75-36 (1977), p.19.
3. Evans, D., and Brenden, L. ?Time Delay Correction for Heat Release Rate Data,?Fire Technology Vol. 14, No.2 (May 1978), p. 85.
4. ASTM E 906: ?Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products,? ASTM Fire Test Standards, 4th Edition, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pa., 1993, pp. 877?892.
5. Abramowitz, A., Lyon, R., ?Comparison of Heat Release Rate from OSU and Oxygen Consumption Principle Calorimeter Signals,? Proceedings of the 2nd Fire & Flammability Conference, Communications, London England, 1993, p.161.