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4. K. Bobzin, F.B.G. Ernst, J.B. Zwick, T. Schläfer, D. Cook, K. Nassenstein, A. Schwenk, F. Schreiber, T. Wenz, G. Flores, and M. Hahn, Coating Bores of Light Metal Engine Blocks with a Nanocomposite Material Using the Plasma Transferred Wire Arc Thermal Spray Process, J. Therm. Spray Technol., 2008, 17(3), p 344-351
5. L. Schramm, C. Verpoort, A. Schwenk, K. Bobzin, N. Bagcivan, T. Schläfer, S. Theiß, and K. Yilmaz, in Thermal Spray 2011: Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference, Friction improvement of new generations of engines by PTWA cylinder bore coating and new piston rings, 27-29 Sept 2011 (Springer, Hamburg, 2012), pp. 473-478