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3. M. Toyota, K. Usuki, S. Iwanaga, and K. Shyoji, The Influence of the Fusing Treatment on the Hardness and Microstructure of Sprayed and Fused “Surfalloy S-6M,” J. Thermal Spraying Soc. Japan., 1969 6(1), p 11-18, (in Japanese)
4. Y. Mima, M. Magome, H. Nakahira, T. Morishita, On the Mechanical Properties of Spray Deposits Fused of self-fluxing Alloys, J. Thermal Spraying Soc. Japan., Vol. 13 (No. 1), 1976, p 22-28 (in Japanese)
5. W. Milewski and M. Sartowski, Some Properties of Coatings Plasma Sprayed from NiCrBSi Materials, Preprints of Papers for 10th International Thermal Spraying Conference, May 2-6, 1983 (Essen, Germany), p 8-11