1. G.R. Heffernan, “Overview of Market and Trends in Steel,” CIM Bulletin (October 1990), pp. 77–79.
2. Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development, Development Center Studies, Aluminum, Copper and Steel in Developing Countries (Paris: OECD/DCS, 1987).
3. H.B. Lungen, W. Theobald, and Members of the European Blast Furnace Committee, “Environmental Measures in European Sinter Plant & Blast Furnace” (Paper presented at the Second European Ironmaking Congress, Glasgow, U.K, 15–18 September 1991).
4. W.T. Hogan, Global Steel in the 1990s (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1991).
5. R.W. Phelps, “Survivors Will Tap the Furnaces,” Engineering and Mining Journal, 192 (August 1991), pp. 36–39.