1. Anon (1994), NSW Government White Paper, “The Management and Regulation of Water in NSW”, May 1994.
2. APHA-AWWA-WPCF, (1989) “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 17th Edition, Washington, DC, 1989.
3. ANZECC (1992), “Australian Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters”, Australia and New Zealand Environmental and Conservation Council, Canberra, Nov. 1992.
4. Burrows, B. (1994), “Environment Assessment and Audit-Temora, A Case Study”, A Lecture Presented at a Short Course in Environmental Assessment and Audits, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Session 4, Topic 2, pp. 1–23.
5. Brookes, K., Hollands, K. and Whitfield, L. (1991), “Mining Rehabilitation and Environmental Management Plans—Strategy for Environmental Management and Review in New South Wales, A Consultative Document”, New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources, pp 1–19.