1. K.Herrmann and A.Fleck, Fracture 1977, University of Waterloo, 3 (1977) 1047?1054.
2. K. Herrmann, Second International Symposium on Continuum Models of Discrete Systems, Mont Gabriel, Quebec (1977), AM Study No. 12, University of Waterloo (1978), 313?338.
3. H.Braun, A.Fleck, and K.Herrmann, International Journal of Fracture 14 (1978) R3-R6.
4. K.Herrmann and H.Braun, First USA-USSR Symposium on Fracture of Composite Materials, Riga, USSR (1978), Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Leyden (1979).
5. H. F.Bueckner, ZAMM 50 (1970) 529?546.