1. Skinner DG, Pfister RF, Colvin R: Extension of renal cell carcinoma into the vena cava: the rationale for aggressive surgical management. J Urol 1972, 107:711–716.
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3. Swierzewski DJ, Swierzewski MJ, Libertino JA: Radical nephrectomy in patients with renal cell carcinoma with venous, vena caval, and atrial extension. Am J Surg 1994, 168:205–209.
4. Quek ML, Stein JP, Skinner DG: Surgical approaches to venous tumor thrombus. Semin Urol Oncol 2001, 19:88–97. This report provides detailed information regarding the surgical approach to RCC invading the vena cava. In contrast to other modern reports, the study suggests that level of tumor appears to be correlated with overall survival.
5. Li MK, Yip SKH, Cheng WS: Inferior vena cava thrombectomy for renal cell carcinoma with thrombus. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1999, 28:508–511.