1. S. Abramsky and C. Hankin, editors.Abstract Interpretation of Declarative Languages. Ellis Horwood, 1987.
2. C. A. Baker-Finch. Relevant logic and strictness analysis. InWorkshop on Static Analysis, LaBRI, Bordeaux, pages 221?228. Bigre 81?82, 1992.
3. C. A. Baker-Finch. Relevance and contraction: A logical basis for strictness and sharing analysis. Technical Report ISE RR 34/94, University of Canberra, 1993.
4. P. N. Benton.Strictness Analysis of Lazy Functional Programs. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1993.
5. G. Bierman. Type systems, linearity and functional languages. CLICS Workshop. Slides appear in Aarhus technical report PB-397-I, 1992.