1. D.F. Downey, C.M. Osburn, and S. Marcus, Solid State Technol. 71, Dec. (1997).
2. C.M. Osburn, D.F. Downey, S.B. Felch and B.S. Lee, Proc. 11th Intl. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, (1997), p. 607.
3. S.B. Felch, B.S. Lee, D.F. Downey, Z. Zhao and R. Eddy, Proc. 11th Intl. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, (1997), p. 611.
4. S.L. Daryanani, D.F. Downey, J.J. Cummings, M. Meloni, C. McKenna and Z. Nényei European Semiconductor Magazine, April (1997).
5. D.F. Downey, S.L. Daryanani, M. Meloni, K.Brown, S.B. Felch, B.S. Lee, S. Marcus and J. Gelpey, presented at the Materials Research Society Symposium, Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing Session (April 1997).