1. Hepatic Encephalopathy: Syndromes and Therapies. Edited by Conn HO, Bircher J. Bloomington: Medi-Ed Press; 1994. An outstanding and comprehensive book on HE with coverage of most of the recent advances in HE therapy and detailed descriptions of most of the major events in the history of HE.
2. Adams RD, Foley JM: The neurological changes in the more common types of severe liver disease. Trans Am Neurolog Assoc 1949, 74:217–219.
3. Adams RD, Foley JM: The neurological disorder associated with liver disease. Proc Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis 1953, 32:198–237.
4. Walshe JM: Observations on symptoms and pathogenesis of hepatic coma. Quart J Med 1953, 20:421–438.
5. Sherlock S, Summerskill WHJ, White LP, Phear EA: Portal-systemic encephalopathy: neurological complications of liver disease. Lancet 1954, 2:453–457.