1. Akgun Y, Tacyildiz IH, Celik Y: Amebic liver abscess: changing trends over 20 years. World J Surg 1999, 23:102–106.
2. World Health Organization: The World Health Report 1995. Bridging the gaps. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 1995.
3. Stanley SL: Pathophysiology of amoebiasis. Trends Parasitol 2001, 17:280–285. Excellent review on the pathophysiology of intestinal amebiasis and amebic liver abscess.
4. Mehta RB, Parija SC, Chetty DV, Smile RR: Management of 240 cases of liver abscess. Int Surg 1986, 71:91–94.
5. Seeto RK, Rockey DC: Amebic liver abscess: epidemiology, clinical features, and outcome. West J Med 1999, 170:104–109. Recent case series of 56 patients with good overview of clinical presentation and findings, as well as management strategies in patients with amebic liver abscess.