1. Thompson WG, Longstreth G, Drossman A, et al.: Functional bowel disorders and functional abdominal pain. Gut 1999, 45(suppl 2):II43-II47. An up-to-date review of CFAP, defined and described by the Rome working group subcommittee. Includes details on definition, diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, clinical evaluation, and treatment. An expanded version will soon appear as a book chapter.
2. Drossman DA, Li Z, Andruzzi E, et al.: US householder survey of functional GI disorders: prevalence, sociodemography and health impact. Dig Dis Sci 1993, 38:1569–1580.
3. Maxton DG, Whorwell PJ: Use of medical resources and attitudes to health care of patients with “chronic abdominal pain”. Br J Med Econ 1992, 2:75–79.
4. Drossman DA: Chronic functional abdominal pain. Am J Gastroenterol 1996, 91:2270–2281. A classic review of CFAP with in-depth discussions of pathophysiology, assessment, and treatment of chronic abdominal pain.
5. Fields HL, Basbaum AI, Wall PD, Melzack R: Endogenous pain control mechanisms. In Textbook of Pain. Edited by Fields HL, Basbaum AI, Wall PD, Melzack R. New York: Livingston; 1984:142–152.