“We live here because of nature”: transformation towards better flood resilience on small Danish islands


Baron NinaORCID,Kongsager Rico


AbstractClimate change is increasing the threat of flooding on small Danish islands. This article presents the results of a qualitative case study of flood risk perceptions and adaptive actions on three small Danish islands. The study explores how an empirical study of the islanders’ sense of place can contribute to a transformation towards better flood resilience. It finds that sense of place is closely connected to living close to nature, but also it highlights that the meaning given to ‘nature’ varies among the islanders. For some, nature is an uncultivated, wild landscape; for others, it is the present, cultural landscape. Another difference concerns whether the islands are described as a place to make a living or as a place to get away from everyday life. For some, farming and grazing are central to how they make a living on the islands; for others, these activities belong to the past. This insight into differences in the islanders’ sense of place contributes to understanding different perspectives regarding what is worth protecting, and what it is possible to protect from flooding, as well as why it is difficult for the islanders to reach agreement on the subject. This understanding has transformative potential, as it can give the islanders themselves, as well as authorities responsible for flood protection, a valuable insight into what drives and hinders actions to manage or reduce flood risk on small islands.



University College Copenhagen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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