1. ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers Archive) REN/RB/02/001 (1797) Rennie, Correspondence re. Rudyard Reservoir, dated 28th February 1797
2. LLRRO (Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Record Office) DG39/708 (1785) letter from John Eyston, Welford to Francis Fortescue Turvile, dated 19th July 1785 (TEMPEST database.
. Accessed December 2018
3. SRO (Staffordshire Record Office) 6702/1 (1796-1803) Letter book of Samuel Barnett and Company, Tin Plate Manufacturers of Kings Bromley
4. SRO D3186/1/1/1 (1766–1845) Minutes of half-yearly general meetings of the proprietors of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Company
5. SRO D593/L/1/14/2 (1795) Letter from John Sparrow, Clerk of the Trent and Mersey Canal Company to Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Marquess of Stafford, dated 7 September 1795