1. Asian Development Bank (1993) Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a Proposed Loan and Technical Assistance Grant to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for the Khulna-Jessore Drainage Rehabilitation Project. Retrieved from https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project-document/72840/rrp-r225-93.pdf
2. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2016) Small Area Atlas Bangladesh: Khulna Zila. Retrieved from
3. Bangladesh Water Development Board (2013a) CEIP-I: Environmental Impact Assessment of Polder 32.
4. Bangladesh Water Development Board (2013b) CEIP-I: Environmental Impact Assessment of Polder 33.
5. Bangladesh Water Development Board (2013c) Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-I (CEIP-I): Final Report, Volume 1. Dhaka.