1. Coppola, G., Laporta, M.: Generations of correlation averages. J. Numbers 2014, 1–13 (2014). (Article ID 140840)
2. Coppola, G., Laporta, M.: A generalization of Gallagher’s Lemma for exponential sums. Šiauliai Math. Semin. 10(18), 1–19 (2015)
3. Coppola, G., Laporta, M.: On the correlations, Selberg integral and symmetry of sieve functions in short intervals, III. Mosc. J. Comb. Number Theory 6(1), 3–24 (2016)
4. Coppola, G., Laporta, M.: Sieve functions in arithmetic bands. Hardy Ramanujan J. 39, 21–37 (2016)
5. Coppola, G., Laporta, M.: Symmetry and short interval mean-squares. Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 299, 56–77 (2017)