1. D. Carydas andD. B. Lichtenberg:J. Phys. G,7, 1345 (1981).
2. Many papers have been written on both current and constituent masses. An example of a paper on current quark masses isS. Weinberg: inA Festschrift for I. I. Rabi, edited byL. Motz (New York, N. Y., 1977), p. 85.
3. An example of a paper on constituent quark masses isA. De Rújula, H. Georgi andS. L. Glashow:Phys. Rev. D,12, 147 (1975).
4. Particle Data Group: R. L. Kelly, C. P. Horne, M. J. Losty, A. Rittenberg, T. Shimada, T. G. Trippe, C. G. Wohl, G. P. Yost, N. Barash-Schmidt, C. Bricman, C. Dionisi, M. Mazzucato, L. Montanet, R. L. Crawford, M. Roos andB. Armstrong:Rev. Mod. Phys.,52, S1 (1980).
5. O. E. Overseth: inBaryon ’80, edited byN. Isgur (Toronto, 1980), p. 259;P. T. Cox, J. Dworkin, O. E. Overseth, R. Handler, R. Grobel, L. Pondrom, M. Sheaff, C. Wilkinson, L. Deck, T. Devlin, K. B. Luk, R. Rameika, P. Skubic, K. Heller andG. Bunce:Phys. Rev. Lett.,46, 877 (1981);L. L. Deck: Ph. D. Thesis, Rutgers University (November 1981), unpublished;R. Rameika: Ph. D. Thesis, Rutgers University (December 1981), unpublished.