1. Jac. M. Anthonisse, “A note on reducing a system to a single equation”, Mathematisch Centrum, BN 1/70 Amsterdam (December 1970).
2. G.H. Bradley, “Transformation of integer programs to knapsack problems”,Discrete Mathematics 1 (1971) 29–45.
3. G.H. Bradley, “Heuristic solution methods and transformed integer linear programming problems”, Yale Rept. No. 43 (March 1971).
4. S.E. Elmagrahby and M.K. Wig, “On the treatment of stock cutting problems as diophantine programs”, O.P. Rept. No. 61, N.C. State University of Raleigh (May 1971).
5. Fred Glover, “Accelerating the determination of the first facets of the octahedron”, MSRS 71-6, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. (September 1971).