Climatic characteristics of mesoscale convective systems in the warm season in North China


Long Linxue,He Lihua,Li JiangboORCID,Zhang Wenlong,Zhang Yingxin


AbstractIn this study, a total of 339 mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are obtained in North China using the temperature of brightness blackbody (TBB) data from the FY-2E in the warm season from 2010 to 2018. The number of meso-α-scale convective systems (MαCSs) is much more than that of meso-β-scale convective systems (MβCSs). The number of mesoscale elongated convective systems (MECSs) is more than that of mesoscale circular convective systems (MCCSs). Most MCSs occur in July and August, which have the widest influence range, the longest duration, and the strongest convection. The MαCS develops slowly and weakens rapidly. The diurnal variation of MαCSs presents a bimodal distribution, most of MαCSs form in the afternoon, while some of MαCSs form in the evening. The MCSs activities in the warm season of North China are concentrated in two belts, namely, the east–west-oriented belt along Henan Province, Shandong Province and the Yellow Sea, and the south–north-oriented belt along central-western Shandong, Tianjin City, the west of Bohai Sea and the northeast of Hebei Province. MCSs mainly move eastward, and only some MECSs move southwestward and northwestward. The easterly and northerly moving MCSs are mainly affected by the steering flow, while the southerly moving MCSs are mainly affected by storm propagation. The MCSs of North China mainly form in the high temperature, high humidity and high energy area, with favorable dynamic conditions, such as middle-level trough or vortex, low-level shear line, surface inverted trough or surface convergence line, and the terrain. Meanwhile, the MCS pregnant environment is often accompanied by low-level jet and relatively strong vertical wind shear.


the National Key Research and Development Program

the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Science and Technology Program of Hebei

the Science and Technology Program of Hebei

and the Research project of Hebei Meteorological Bureau


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Atmospheric Science







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