1. Andrus, C. F., 1948. A method of testing beans for resistance to bacterial blights. Phytopathology 38: 757–759.
2. Coyne, D. P., 1966. The genetics of photoperiodism and the effect of temperature on the photoperiodic response for time of flowering in Phaseolus vulgaris L. varieties. Proc. Amer. Soc. hort. Sci. 89: 350–360.
3. Coyne, D. P. & M. L. Schuster, 1969. ‘Tara’, a new Great Northern dry bean tolerant to common blight bacterial disease. Univ. of Nebr. Agr. Expt. Stat. Bull. 506: 1–10.
4. Coyne, D. P. & M. L. Schuster, 1970. ‘Jules’, a Great Northern dry bean tolerant to common blight bacterium (Xanthomonas phaseoli). Plant Dis. Reptr. 54: 557–558.
5. Coyne, D. P. & M. L. Schuster, 1971. ‘Emerson’, a new large-seeded Great Northern dry bean variety tolerant to bacterial wilt disease. Univ. of Nebr. Agr. Expt. Stat. Bull. 516: 1–11.